Who’s Watching Out For YOU?

Who’s Watching Out For YOU?

It’s  happens over and over again, to the point where you just can’t get rid of it, like hearing your mom ask you to turn the lights off or put your toys away.  As a parent, I often remind my son to sit closer to the table and eat over his plate, watch where he puts his feet climbing up the tree in the park and be mindful of taking smaller bites so he can enjoy his food. All positive can do focused actions to support him in having the greatest experience possible! …continue reading →
What’s Feeding YOU?

What’s Feeding YOU?

I was speaking with a peer today about mental wellness and how one might address it without professional help.  This is quite common as a good majority of people who have experienced some kind of mental health challenges do not receive any kind of professional help. According to NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness), about 56.7% of Americans with Mental Health Challenges did not receive treatment in 2018. That doesn’t mean that they didn’t do anything about it at all. Many people are able to take action and have positive outcomes regarding their…continue reading →


There’s so much to do. I don’t have any time. When am I supposed to do that? Am I supposed to pull an extra hour out of my pocket? That will take too much time. Everything just keeps piling on. Every time I look around there’s more and more and more to do. There’s just not enough time. I don’t have time for that. Time. We got it. We don’t got it. I have to. You don’t gotta.... Everyone has the same 24 hours a day seven days a week four weeks a…continue reading →