What’s Feeding YOU?
I was speaking with a peer today about mental wellness and how one might address it without professional help.
This is quite common as a good majority of people who have experienced some kind of mental health challenges do not receive any kind of professional help. According to NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness), about 56.7% of Americans with Mental Health Challenges did not receive treatment in 2018.
That doesn’t mean that they didn’t do anything about it at all. Many people are able to take action and have positive outcomes regarding their mental health. For others, it may become a different challenge as it may be addressed in not so healthy ways.
Having a glass of wine to “take the edge off”, having an energy drink to “getcha goin” and smoking a joint to “kick back” are normal everyday happenings in our society. They can be super effective and even lots of fun for some ..
What happens when more often than not, this starts becoming the norm ? What does that “edge “ look like now? Where are you “goin”? And how “kicked back” are you really?
You may just find yourself in a whole other place than you expected. You recognized that you “needed” something to take the edge off in the past, so you grabbed the wine, the soft drink, the joint.. When you do recognize yourself needing something else this time around, what will you do?
One of the most common things today is the internet search. Awesome place to start! What are the things that you’re coming across? How do they resonate with you ? Who are you talking to about it? What are you listening to about it?
Which pieces are helping? And which are sending you in the wrong direction? Are you looking at the problem? Or are you looking for a solution?
Listen. Stop and listen. Your body will let ya know which resources make you feel good or not. The more time and energy you give to yourself, the more you will learn about your situation. If you‘ve honestly done the most you can and still feel you need something else, then professional help may be a step. There’s no one way.
If you feel you have a serious condition/situation and need professional attention, then don’t hesitate and call your medical providers/ doctor as soon as you can. If you have an emergency, call 911.
Whether its before or after, what is it that’s feeding you? Are you taking in things that feel good for the moment or ones that will bring you the best possible outcomes? Who are you speaking to about this? What are you putting your energy into? And more importantly, what’s energizing you?
Love Life Today. This Recovery Life.
Good read thank you Paul!