There’s so much to do. I don’t have any time. When am I supposed to do that? Am I supposed to pull an extra hour out of my pocket? That will take too much time. Everything just keeps piling on. Every time I look around there’s more and more and more to do. There’s just not enough time. I don’t have time for that.
Time. We got it. We don’t got it. I have to. You don’t gotta….
Everyone has the same 24 hours a day seven days a week four weeks a month 12 months a year, no matter who or where you are at. The plants, the animals and the land, they have the same amount of time.They likely look at time in a whole other way though. Do they even have a sense of time? What do they go by? The sun? The moon? The stars?
One would imagine that one would have more time since there are many, many people at “home.” For many people at home , it may mean more time, for others it can be a whole other experience with endless barriers and shiny objects just waiting to eat you and your time up!
How do you see it? Regardless of which category you may fit in on any given day, what is the goal? It can be simple like taking time for yourself, being introspective, reflective. It sounds wonderful! When do you actually do it? Maybe you want to start working out or learning a new language, or you might be thinking that There is no way you have the time to learn your partner’s native language and this is just a bunch of nonsense!
You have to start doing some work at home now that your job has figured some things out, your kids’ school has added on a whole other set of tasks that you have to essentially help them manage yourself. No way you’re adding anything else on! You may just be agreeing with me for once,…”That’s right! “
Now you’re at home .. and maybe you do have a whole lot of extra time, I don’t know.. What are you doing with it? What areas are you putting it into? Family, physical health, Hobbies, Projects, Creative pursuits, work, spending time with yourself.. Nature…
Which area(s) could use more attention?
Where do you find yourself placing your energy? What types of things are contributing to your energy? Is it positive? Negative?
Do you find yourself upset over the news? How many times did you take in so-called “news” today? How did that affect your energy?
You see, we all want more of something, then there comes times when we get it, what do we do with it?
Most people wouldn’t give away $50 and at the same token, our time is disparaged on a daily basis. Very few people will pay mind to where their time goes or easily let it slip away from them. Over and over and over…
This is a tough one for many. It may be easier to watch the next episode of that program rather than get up and do a few pushups. That thing that we hate doing, … I don’t want to do it, so I procrastinate. At the end of the day, its not done, I’m not sure what I even did, now I’m pissed off and I still have to do it!
What if I trained my brain to do that hard thing first?
You are bound to an external schedule ( work, spouse, kids.. etc..), what do you need to focus on? What/who is involved? How can you make use of your time effectively? Can you set aside specific time for that? Maybe you’re the one looking to better manage time, although that might not be the case around you. How do you start implementing such practice? What if you did something about it? How would that make you feel? Who knows, after a while the ones around you may follow..
You don’t have any schedule. (this one may be easier to believe than you’d think..) Or let’s say you have a minimal schedule. What can you possibly do? What do you NEED to do? How can you get that out of the way so then you can do whatever it may be that you WANT ? (..as opposed to the other way around..)
You may just end up finding it easier to give away that $50 then your time..
What will it be?
Love Life Today, This Recovery Life
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