Thanksgiving: Don’t KiLL the Duck

Thanksgiving: Don’t KiLL the Duck

Thanksgiving is just a few days away. You recently stopped using, but you are about to encounter your family for the first time. You’re already dreading the one family member you used to party with that won’t be happy about you not partaking in the drinking (I was that guy). Your cousin who you used to “go for a walk” with will be expecting you join him/her. Your great aunt has been living with your family for a few years and now you’re afraid you’ll be tempted to raid the medicine cabinet as…continue reading →
Putting an End to Stigma: Recovery Happens

Putting an End to Stigma: Recovery Happens Cotto talks about the stigma he encountered during 25 years of addiction, as well as how his recovery reunited him with everything in his life that he holds dear. End the stigma of addiction - #StateWithoutStigMAcontinue reading →
Impulse to My Addiction

Impulse to My Addiction

It's been five years since Daniel's Debut EP. I helped keep the bottom together, or did it help keep me together? Ha ha! It's a beautiful life! THiS ReCoVeRY LiFEcontinue reading →