Join the
21 Days in Recovery Workshop
Build Your Own Personalized Recovery Journey!
Launching on Tuesday, June 8th, 2021
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In order to get different results, you have to take different actions. Explore what this means for you while developing skills to better address the challenges you’ve been experiencing for too long. Take action and start living your best life to suit your own purpose!
…are everywhere! You’ve had them on and off in all kinds of shapes and sizes! You’ve conquered many and have come quite far. Thing is, you may be at a plateau and find yourself slipping for a bit now. Whether you’ve been drinking excessively, over- eating, over- / self-medicating, over-spending or finding yourself seeking escape more often than you’d like, you’ve always “kept it together” and thought that you’ve “got this.”
Thing is, you’ve found yourself more distressed than relaxed, more roused than calm, more reactive than mindful. And it’s brought you further from happy than you could have ever imagined.
To make matters worse, it’s now affected your life in ways that you never thought. There’s no way you want to keep moving in the same direction.
You’ve been contemplating a change for longer than you would like to admit, and find that your current way of living no longer serves you. You no longer accept things as they are. You’re looking to move through it to the point where you’re working with a clean slate, switching directions and creating a brand new chapter in your life.
The Solution
Humans are resilient beings. You have come this far! You may have been given all kinds of advice on what you “have to” do, you may have read about some “to-dos” in case of… “this is the way it works…” or the classic, “the best way to do this in three steps.”
People may have told you what you need to do and it was likely well intended! Thing is that it is YOUR Recovery, NOT anyone else’s.
Regardless of what anyone says, YOU will have to be the one taking action, so what do YOU feel works best for you?
The focus on YOU is key. YOU have strengths that you may not be aware of. You’re a unique individual and there is no one way to address whatever your challenge may be.
That’s why it’s of utmost importance that you’re asked:
- What does recovery mean to YOU?
- What is it that YOU WANT To accomplish?
- What do YOU WANT recovery to look like for yourself?
That’s where your coach comes in. Your coach is a person in recovery who has lived experience on the other side of being addicted for many years.
Your Coach will help you:
- Explore what you want YOUR recovery to look like
- Recognize what your strengths are and build on that foundation in order to obtain new and improved coping skills to address your challenges
- Support you in working with and through your emotions
- Build the supports that work best for you
- Provide education around addiction/ recovery along with a holistic approach in order to look at all possible pathways to your wellness
- Focus on what you CAN do and empower you to take action and move forward
- Remove barriers and “walk” alongside you as you work towards your goal(s)
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How it Works
Regardless of your challenge, we believe that everyone CAN recover to the level of their desire and beyond your imagination!
The details – you will:
- Participate in a small 10-12 group of people
– All participants will be working on their own challenge
– Discussions will be facilitated by your coach - Participate in 7 one-and-a-half hour sessions via ZOOM (that will be recorded) every 3rd day
- Join a private Facebook group where your sessions will be posted. You:
– may also download them for your own records
– post /write / talk about your progress (as we go along)
– are encouraged to comment on/support your peer’s progress as they will yours.
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The key here is that YOU are the expert of your own experience. You will learn from each other as you build your skills and foster resilience. The coach will be your guide.
At the end of the 21 days, there will be an 8th, one hour session on Day 21 so you can reflect back on your experience together. By Day 21, you will have constructed a base framework from which you can build your new self. You will have experienced a recovery oriented approach, learned a new set of skills, and put them into practice over the course of 21 days. You will possibly find yourself in a whole other place physically, mentally and possibly spiritually if you believe in something of that nature.
No matter where you are in the world, you will have your very own personalized support community as the private Facebook group will be yours to continue fostering, participating in and growing with for as long as you wish!
And — BEST of ALL, it will all be on your own terms in your own way simply because it is YOUR recovery.
You can throw all of your preconceived ideas about recovery out the window because the ONLY way that will work for you is YOUR way.
We look forward to working with you!
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