100% Guaranteed

100% Guaranteed

You go to work and you do exactly what you are paid to do and not a lick more! You’re bound to not learn any new skills, not grow your wealth and even if you did advocate for yourself, you may have a hard time making your point. You go to work and take on an extra project. You’re curious about what else you can do as your interest is growing. In either scenario, you will get the same outcome. Lets look at another example. What happens when you break a $20? Exactly.…continue reading →


You take chance after chance. You’ve spent so long taking chances. Chances that often put you in compromising situations, brought you danger, loss of freedom, loss of self-esteem , shame and remorse. Whether you’ve shared it with someone or kept it from everyone, you know your truth.     When did this begin to shift? ...or has it?    You’ve gotten to the point where these outcomes have become less than desirable for longer than you ever imagined..  As human beings, we have this innate curiosity. Children are born as fearless beings and quickly…continue reading →
Hitting Reset

Hitting Reset

It’s inevitable. You either burn out or you crash. You’ve been going and going and going and going. Whether its been working at your job, school, projects at home or projects online, you have not given up. Auto pilot has you pushing through. You may be the same in all things you do! In another life, I was the first one at the party and often the last one to go home five parties later.. This takes a toll on you, a toll on your body and a toll on the ones around…continue reading →