Preparing to Change: How to STOP your Alcohol and Drug Use

Preparing to Change: How to STOP your Alcohol and Drug Use

OK, so you’ve admitted to yourself that there is an issue and you’re thinking of doing something about it, but don’t know what. There is no “one size fits all” answer for this. The path can be dependent on what you’ve been doing, the quantity and frequency. Have you been using once daily, once a week, a few times a day, a few times a month or various times on a daily basis? Do you only use once in awhile, but when you do, you go on a bender, using for a few…continue reading →
Putting an End to Stigma: Recovery Happens

Putting an End to Stigma: Recovery Happens Cotto talks about the stigma he encountered during 25 years of addiction, as well as how his recovery reunited him with everything in his life that he holds dear. End the stigma of addiction - #StateWithoutStigMAcontinue reading →
“I’m NOT an Alcoholic”

“I’m NOT an Alcoholic”

Yesterday, I received a call from someone who was asking me about what recovery services were available. The individual told me that he had a problem with drinking in the past, but he no longer does. I asked him if he has ever obtained help and he quickly responded, “I am not an alcoholic.” I explained to him that one does not need to be an “alcoholic” in order to have problems due to alcohol use. I added that I was not looking to label anyone and the term “alcoholic” is subjective, if…continue reading →