ABC’s of Recovery

ABC’s of Recovery

It was April Fool’s week. Nothing too exciting happened.. What were you expecting? A prank of sorts? Something was bound to happen and then it was simply going to be cast aside as a joke and you’d go about the rest of your week. Sound familiar?  It did to me. Although nothing happened. I spent my week being somewhat productive and at the same time, kind of blase’. A few months back I told myself I needed a change and reworked my “positive” affirmation name from Positive pAUL to the new and improved,…continue reading →
Back to YOUR Future

Back to YOUR Future

It was 1985 and Christopher Lloyd was the “mad scientist” travelling from universe to universe in his Delorean Time Machine as Marty McFly sought to save his existence from being wiped out between them. In retrospect, this was very telling of my own lackluster existence until the day Marty turned this bank vault sized guitar amp to 11 !!! and Rocked !!! Johnny Be Good in the packed school auditorium, blowing everyone away and winning over the love of his life.. His future mom! Haha.. funny plot! Ironic, I know. I was 12…continue reading →
What’s Feeding YOU?

What’s Feeding YOU?

I was speaking with a peer today about mental wellness and how one might address it without professional help.  This is quite common as a good majority of people who have experienced some kind of mental health challenges do not receive any kind of professional help. According to NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness), about 56.7% of Americans with Mental Health Challenges did not receive treatment in 2018. That doesn’t mean that they didn’t do anything about it at all. Many people are able to take action and have positive outcomes regarding their…continue reading →