BaCK 2 BaSiCs

BaCK 2 BaSiCs

This is damn hard! They say that things get worse before they get better, right? Well that’s what’s been happenin’ here folks. Haha… There’s just no way you can get up at 6:30am… if you’re up until two binge watching some new series..   As I’ve been “snapping out of it” since last week, it’s been ...alright, I guess. I’m starting to do something.. Getting out of my jammies in the morning, spending time with my family, reaching out to others, video chatting with groups, physical distancing myself from others and accepting uncertainty. The…continue reading →
Sweet Emotions: Addressing Mental Health

Sweet Emotions: Addressing Mental Health

There can be great upheaval in our lives when change takes place. If we chose it ourselves, we might have a plan to implement which facilitates the modifications necessary to achieve the desired goal. When stopping a behavior after displaying it for a prolonged period of time, the body goes into “alert” mode and seeks to sooth itself. For example, if you’re used to eating an apple with sugar on it, your system is used to generating a certain amount of dopamine.  Here, both the body and the brain adapt themselves to the…continue reading →