Hitting Reset

Hitting Reset

It’s inevitable. You either burn out or you crash. You’ve been going and going and going and going. Whether its been working at your job, school, projects at home or projects online, you have not given up. Auto pilot has you pushing through. You may be the same in all things you do! In another life, I was the first one at the party and often the last one to go home five parties later.. This takes a toll on you, a toll on your body and a toll on the ones around…continue reading →
Sayin’ Nothin’ is Sayin’ Somethin’

Sayin’ Nothin’ is Sayin’ Somethin’

  Whatcha sayin?                                                                                                               Why are YOU sayin it?   Who else does it affect?     How does it help your/their situation?   Love  Life  Today .  This   Recovery  Lifecontinue reading →
Time To Hang It uP

Time To Hang It uP

It’s getting HOT HOT HOT! around here.  The shade is starting to feel nice. Of course, being a lover of more, I thought that wearin' a hat was a good thing for the most part, so I ended up wearin' it for the majority of the day and online, I liked it so much I wanted another! I went, went, went and went some more.  Had one thing after the other, after the other. I thought I had it all together and then there was another thing added to my plate. Next thing…continue reading →