Time To Hang It uP
It’s getting HOT HOT HOT! around here. The shade is starting to feel nice. Of course, being a lover of more, I thought that wearin’ a hat was a good thing for the most part, so I ended up wearin’ it for the majority of the day and online, I liked it so much I wanted another!
I went, went, went and went some more. Had one thing after the other, after the other. I thought I had it all together and then there was another thing added to my plate. Next thing I knew, there was an appointment I had forgotten about since I was taking on all kinds of tasks! .. Kinda like you’re looking for something in a drawer, so you start cleaning it out and then you find yourself cleaning out the whole desk and there are piles of stuff all over the place and you found the sticker collection you had gathered for your guitar case 8 years ago! Cool !
But I was supposed to be home on a video call!. All’s good, I have a smart phone and I can do it on there! After a few minutes of looking for the link, I can’t find it anywhere, since It’s on a file on my desktop, at home. I try my colleagues via social media and no answer. Of course, they’re focused on this call!
18 minutes later, I’m getting pretty irritated and catch myself starting to veer off track…..
Has this happened to you?? You’ve been on a roll! What on earth could have happened?
You’re human. There’s only so far that you can push it “in the red”. Coming up for air is an essential. What will you get from beating on yourself? From banging your head against the wall? That’s right! … a bloody headache! that’s what!
The key is, how do you catch yourself before you get to that point? That’s the trick! And when you do get to that point, what kind of action can you take so you can gather some learning for the next time on that journey?
A week later, I locked my keys in the truck.
Breathe, step back, laugh. Listen to someone else, or your inner wisdom for that matter. When’s the last time you listened to your gut? My friend said, “call Triple A”, My gut said, “Time to Hang it UP! ..for the day “.
Love Life Today. This Recovery Life.
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