Hitting Reset
It’s inevitable. You either burn out or you crash. You’ve been going and going and going and going. Whether its been working at your job, school, projects at home or projects online, you have not given up. Auto pilot has you pushing through.
You may be the same in all things you do! In another life, I was the first one at the party and often the last one to go home five parties later.. This takes a toll on you, a toll on your body and a toll on the ones around you. Fast forward 12 years later and this rings true in most aspects of my life, goin, goin, goin, goin, and some more goin. Gotta do, gotta get there, gotta make it happen! Sound familiar?
It could be a lot worse, at this point, it’s mostly positive stuff. Meanwhile, how is your wellness ?
Maybe you’ve heard of this thing people talk about.. Balance. Ya, I have trouble with it and I’m not even sure if I believe in this for myself. For me it’s a lifestyle, intertwining my goals with all of the other responsibilities. Haha.. easier said than done.
Sustainability is key. In order for it to become a reality, you want to make sure you don’t burn out or hit any walls. What do you think is the best way for you to accomplish this?
Do you finish the page your on right now and pick it up later on? Do you put the book away? Or do you completely change direction? Who else is involved? What kind of support do you have? Can someone else pick up some of the pieces?
Removing oneself can be a great action to restore your energy, attention and focus.it can be as simple as going for a walk, getting some fresh air, going to the movies, go spend time with a friend/ loved one, go read a book, turn up some tunes, make a painting/draw or anything else that may be inspiring to you!
I definitely enjoy removing myself to a new environment. I usually take a little bit of my work, so I’m not completely disconnected, but the environment, fresh air (we went camping) and the focus on using completely different skill set, starting fires, building tents, looking for turtles, etc.. does the trick.
That’s what happened this last weekend. It took me a day or two to readjust once I got back, but the fresh perspective alone is priceless. It’s like starting all over again on a new road that you’re back to planning for. niCe !
How much do you love the things that you’re doing? How do you make it sustainable and how do you hit reset?
Love Life Today. This Recovery Life
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