The Counter Culture of Recovery

The Counter Culture of Recovery

“Sex, Drugs and Rock n Roll” is a term that millions of us are familiar with whether you experienced it or not. Today, “Recovery” is a term more widely used than ever before and at the same time, what does it really mean? The Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) currently defines it as “A process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self- directed life, and strive to reach their full potential.” I like that. I define it as not using alcohol or other drugs to…continue reading →
2016 is a Wrap!

2016 is a Wrap!

Wow, at one point it felt like time wasn't going anywhere. I spent years of my life staring out the window, zoning out, pondering, immobile on the couch while waiting for some external forces to “make it happen”. At times it felt like tomorrow would never come and there were a few close calls that brought it all closer to reality than one would like. Fortunately, that's not the case today. Haha.. at times I have issues remembering a few days back since so much happens on a day to day basis. This…continue reading →
How Could YOU Benefit?

How Could YOU Benefit?

Question. Is your cup half FULL ? or is it half EMPTY ? What’s the difference? Is there a reason and/or advantage to your point of view? Take a moment to answer this question for yourself. How could this possibly change your day? your week? .. and beyond?   Your recovery starts with YOU. Don’t just answer it in your head and allow it to be fleeting thought #625 for the day, write it out. It’s now tangible. Take a LOOK at yourself and what YOU stand for. Ask your friends and your…continue reading →