Occupying: The New YOU

Occupying: The New YOU

You’ve been getting through the holidays. Whether you’ve diminished your intake, stopped one or two of your many substances, switched to a “lesser” evil or stopped completely, you’re going in the right direction and you feel it. That’s all that matters. So now, you possibly have some more time on your hands along with some more money in your pockets. Great! Now what? This was a very confusing time for me. I went from spending all of my time in the NYC nightlife scene from rehearsing, performing, working, playing shows, hanging out, performing,…continue reading →
Putting an End to Stigma: Recovery Happens

Putting an End to Stigma: Recovery Happens

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bk8oGbIYNDo&feature=youtu.be Cotto talks about the stigma he encountered during 25 years of addiction, as well as how his recovery reunited him with everything in his life that he holds dear. End the stigma of addiction - #StateWithoutStigMAcontinue reading →
Impulse to My Addiction

Impulse to My Addiction

It's been five years since Daniel's Debut EP. I helped keep the bottom together, or did it help keep me together? Ha ha! It's a beautiful life! THiS ReCoVeRY LiFEcontinue reading →