BaCK 2 BaSiCs
This is damn hard! They say that things get worse before they get better, right? Well that’s what’s been happenin’ here folks. Haha… There’s just no way you can get up at 6:30am… if you’re up until two binge watching some new series..
As I’ve been “snapping out of it” since last week, it’s been …alright, I guess. I’m starting to do something.. Getting out of my jammies in the morning, spending time with my family, reaching out to others, video chatting with groups, physical distancing myself from others and accepting uncertainty. The dust is settling and its obvious that many, many , many.. if not MOST things will not ever be the same. For sure, this is NOT about me.
This makes you think of times like the invention of the car, the internet, streaming music, smart phones, 2008…and so on.. These events were disrupting to the world of many. There were parties that gained and of course.. there were parties that suffered great loss.. …aaaand here we are.
The ENTIRE world is disrupted and asking.. NOW WHAT !!?!?
You are looking for answers. That’s great! With so many channels and information overload, where do you even start?
Well, what if you were to shut it all off? .. and give yourself the opportunity to listen to the individual that can most influence and help your situation? YOU.
Regardless of where you get information, whether it’s the internet, a book, a professional, your family or friends “suggesting” what to do, you’re the one that will be taking action. So as you go along and scroll through your social apps, look online or are hearing the people in close quarters with you ALL day, everyday now, take a step back and ask yourself, “What do I think of all this?” Yes, YOU !
You are the greatest expert on YOU! What is it that YOU NEED ? What is basic for YOU? Write it down. Tell someone. Talk about it. However that works for you.
Some common denominators of Life:
Where are you at with your with these ? Ask yourself. What’s the very first thing that comes to you? Sounds pretty Basic, right? Awesome! What’s stopping you?
Love Life Today,
This Recovery Life.
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