Recovery and The BiG GERM
It took me a minute. I’m not one to go with everyone else’s flow or make a BIG DEAL out of something since being in recovery to me, means keeping my cool best I can. For someone who doesn’t consistently follow the news, politics or my neighbor’s business, it seems like this thing just came out of nowhere real quick! I won’t get into all of that as there is a lot of information out there which can go either way on all things, above all else, “THe BiG GeRM”. I would say the closer you get to the source of information, the better. In this case, the CDC may be a good start.
I was thrown , hit with the curve ball, left hooked all while it rained on my parade! WHoh! Like Mike Tyson said, “Everybody’s got a plan until the get punched in the face”. I think I made myself sick just with the fear of not knowing.. not knowing anything. What? Everything just got what??? What do you mean Italy is on lockdown? Do you got it? Does the cat got it? Does the toilet paper from the corner store got it? …and I gotta stay home?
I went to the grocery store, bought the BIGGEST SHOPPING CART in the history of my wallet and spent the next week binging on TV, in my jammies with the latest flavor of that “healthy” 100 calorie frozen yogurt pops with no direction or thoughts of nothin. Only after my family asked if I was gonna shave any time soon, was when I realized what was goin’ on.
I’m all for sitting with my feelings and moving through things.. for a week?? You might have heard it before, “the idle mind is the devil’s playground”, and it was happenin to me. When I finally showered, I took a slice outta my face when I shaved it had been that long.
So now what?
What do you normally do? What part of it can you still do? If not, what would be the next best thing?
Who’s around you? How can you connect and/or reconnect with them?
Have a phone? an internet connection? Who can you reach out to? ..you can probably talk to Bono as he plays you his new song from his living room on facebook.
What’s around you? How can you best make use of your space? Got a yard? a bike? some chalk?
What have you been putting off? What projects have been in the back seat?
What have you wanted to learn? New skills? old skills to improve?
How might you be able to make a move and shift from the position or career your in?
Don’t wait for everyone else to be ready. It’s YOUR time. What will YOU do with it? How will you invest in YOU and YOUR Recovery?
I will commit to beginning at 6:30 AM Daily, Saturdays and Sundays at 7:30 AM and writing weekly. Ha! BiG GeRM what?!? Much Wellness to YOU and YOURS !
Love Life Today ! This Recovery Life
Your summary of our global situation is motivating! Thank you…I bet most people are feeling that way…I did during the first few days…the unknown and drastic halt to our everyday life froze and numbed me…not, I know more, realize more, do more, move more, hope and pray more…
I love the GERM drawing…who is the artist?!