Rainy Days and Thursdays

It’s one of those days.. Nothin’ to think of.. Nothin’ to do.. Best thing to do.. Thinkin’ of just stayin’ in today… 

Wait up… isn’t that what you’ve been doin’ for a while now? 

Somethin’s up with today though.. Not feelin’ right.. The unknown.. Why the hell am I even trying to do anything anyway? 

It is tough.. I spent the better part of this week  under that spell.. And then you realize.. Hey… Hey! … HEY!! It’s OK !  You can put the Carpenters on and enjoy a few tunes.. 

You may not know what’s exactly going on and you’re catching yourself. You know this isn’t where you want to be at. How do you acknowledge your emotions? ..do you correlate them to something..? ..someone? ..do you need to? 

How about naming them. Getting down to what’s going on? Stick to the facts. You’re creating awareness for yourself. How does that feel? Catchin’ yourself.. Your brain is doing pushups. Maybe even telling someone. Different? Courageous? niCe..?! 

This is good, and it’s OK. You don’t have to be a SuperNatural EVERY day. Think of our friend George Harrison. He has an album titled, “All Things Must Pass”..…  And they eventually do, if you let them. 

What happened last time you were reactive, avoided, and damned your emotions? How did that turn out? 

Go easy on yourself. Enjoy the raindrops and remind yourself that feeling is human. I imagine you are too. It’s OK. You are aLive and able to feel.

Love Life Today, This Recovery Life.


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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Waheed Dughman

    Much appreciated message in this dark times especially for those of us fighting
    in the front of sobriety only to wake up with another front of corona.love,compassion
    and forgiveness are the candle we need .