How to STOP Using Alcohol and Other Drugs
You never thought this day would come.…
I would like to commend you on your decision. The first step to changing anything in our lives is being honest with ourselves and admitting that there is a problem. This is an act of courage that most people struggle with due to things such as fear, social influence and ego which get in their way. The fact that you made it past those hurdles have brought you halfway over the proverbial “mountain”.
If you or someone you love has been thinking about stopping the use of alcohol or any other substance, sign up for our email list and get the eBook “How to STOP Using Alcohol and Other Drugs: A Contemplative Guide” for FREE. Everyone knows someone who has issues with alcohol and/or other drugs, whether its your cousin, the mailman, your grandparent or the neighbor’s kid.
The truth is that at some point, everyone who uses substances has thought about stopping. Often, more than once. Many await someone who will listen to them and give them a hand up. Download the book now and pass it on. Your efforts will speak louder than words and may just save some heartache, if not a life.
Take the first step that can bring you and yours the life you’ve always dreamed of. Love Life Today. THiS ReCoVeRY LiFE.
I love that I am off the sauce. Such a great life with my eyes wide open. High five.