How to Live Nine Lives: Could YOU Use Support?
Have you had a few “close” calls?
-You walked out of your car after hitting a tree at 2am.
-You were “almost” busted in that DEA raid.
-You fell off the balcony and “just” broke your arm.
-You have not contracted any STD’s despite your promiscuity.
-You woke up on someone’s front lawn after passing out from alcohol poisoning …only because it started raining.
-You’ve OD’d and still continue using.
-You were on a date so it wasn’t rape.
-You woke up with bruises again, not knowing how you got them.
-Someone called the police noticing that you were under the influence and your friend showed up in time for your children not to be taken away.
Just like our feline friends, many of us have miraculously lived through multiple lives. Find out how you can make it through and hold on to life number 9 here.
Nine Questions for Nine Lives: Could YOU Use Support to STOP Using Alcohol and/or Other Drugs?
Take this completely anonymous survey and feel it for yourself. Share it with your friends, you might just help change their lives for the better. Do it for yourself, your loved ones, your community, your freedom and your life. You CAN! Love Life Today. THiS ReCoVERY LiFE
No more alcohol for me. I like being free and I find I’m buzzed naturally without the need for boos. Cheers