Found Your Hiding Place?
It’s time. You’ve been in for what seems a lifetime.
Being home might have been either a treat or a retreat at some point or another. There was a choice to whatever degree… This is different.
You’re connecting with people like never before. At least it seems it. Many are familiar, genuine, easy.. and many are uncomfortable, awkward and counterfeit. You’re not even sure.. why?
“How are you feeling?” Becomes a loaded question once you start digging in. When else would you or will you have the opportunity to do this? DO iT. Dig in.
Take advantage. Honor yourself. What will you come out as? What is possible? What can be different? What will be better? YOU will. Because only YOU CAN make this happen for yourself.
There’s immense gaps in systems, there’s immense uncertainty and immense pain at this time. Where do you see yourself in there? In the famous words of the late Jim Rohn, “You will either find a way or you will find an excuse.”
Love Life today. This Recovery Life.
This blog is filled with optimism and hope. Each of us is managing and will manage this crisis in his or her own way…or not. I have been hearing some people saying that they are bored which makes me wonder if they aren’t yet tapped into their creative mind. No judgement but…there is plenty to do indoors and out, alone or twenty apart with others.
Thank you for the reminder…eradicate excuses and engage…