Drug and Alcohol Myths: How They Work for You
During the times of our using alcohol and other drugs, we are often misinformed on things that “work and don’t work” regarding the use of these substances. Normally, they’re meant to keep us “safe”, whether enabling people to continue using or diverting them from any negative consequences. They come from a good place, meaning that the person telling you about them, usually means well.
Many of these “remedies” are nothing more than myths. We’ll be taking a look at a series of these in the next few weeks and beyond. I believe that they keep us “in the woods” in one way or another.
It’s Sunday morning, if you’ve used alcohol and/or other drugs in the past few days, there’s a good chance that you’ve tried a few things to help you get through.. Maybe there is something that has worked for yourself or a friend. If so, please let us know. If you have any “myths” that you would like to share, dispel or have me address, please post them below or on the fb page.
Remember, the only way to eliminate the unwanted and residual effects/outcomes of using alcohol and other drugs is to STOP using alcohol and other drugs. There is an easier way. Love Life Today. THiS ReCoVeRY LiFE.
I’m glad I’m off the sauce. Life is so much more fun.
As Khalil Gibran wrote , the mountain is clearer to the mountain climber from the plain”. It’s hard to have accurate perspective in the midst of use. Decision and thoughts look a lot different when we are freed of intoxicants.