Excessive Behaviors: “I Don’t Have Any of Those..”

Excessive Behaviors: “I Don’t Have Any of Those..”

Excessive behaviors. “I don’t have any of those” is usually the first thing that would come out of the general public’s mouth. It’s no surprise that a prideful anyone would want to admit that to the next person. If you’re not obviously under the influence of whatever it might be, visibly overweight or bleeding, it’s likely that no one besides your partner or closest relative knows about it. Maybe you do have that one coworker that covers up for you when you walk in late and hung-over. Maybe you tell yourself that it’s…continue reading →
Fearless Assessment: How to Ground Yourself

Fearless Assessment: How to Ground Yourself

Imagine for a minute that you’re looking to build your dream home. You will have a set of concerns that you will have to address before doing so. You have already picked a location and you have the means to do so. Awesome! You are already halfway there! You are in the process of assembling your team to do so. You get an engineer to come and look at the land. He sees that you have a few feet of topsoil before you hit clay. The lot is fairly level as well as…continue reading →
Recovery: The Three Headed Monster

Recovery: The Three Headed Monster

I find it strange that most people hear the word recovery and instantly associate it with some three headed monster that they want nothing to do with. They look down on it, snub their nose and some will even try to kick it! Ironically, most people have someone in their life with some kind of substance abuse issues and if they don’t, they know someone who does. Traditionally, the word recovery is associated with addiction and substance abuse. Here is an amazing short series called “Experiencing Recovery” on the history of recovery by…continue reading →