Recovery: How to Deal With Family

Recovery: How to Deal With Family

Ahhhhh… the beauty of family.. what do we do with them and what would we do without them? This coin has some chunk to it either way you flip it. Family units are as unique as we are. There are no two alike. There is no sense in comparing and despairing either. What might seem at times like a great situation for you, is not the case for others. ie; Your friend’s mom smoking marijuana with the boys while everyone hangs out in the house. Your dad sharing his six pack with your…continue reading →
Recovery Speaks: Loud & Proud

Recovery Speaks: Loud & Proud

It’s been 9 months now that you’ve been spending some time with This Recovery Life. In order to best be of service to YOU and your community, we would love to know a few things. This way we can continue to support YOU in working towards your recovery goals even better than before! How has This Recovery Life supported YOU or someone you love? What is most helpful about This Recovery Life? What would you like to know more about in the area of addiction/ recovery/ lifestyle related illness? How can This Recovery…continue reading →
An Open Letter to a Friend

An Open Letter to a Friend

Hello Friend, It’s been a heavy few weeks. It hit me all at once, kind of hard to believe.. As a kid, I was told that smoking lead to doing drugs. Marijuana was a gateway. If you were hanging out in the streets, you were a “vagabond”. Drinking lead to being a “bum”. I never believed it. That was not me. Somehow, I sought comfort outside of my home, where there wasn’t any. That road was paved with smoke, mirrors and an oasis at the other end of the rainbow. Eventually, the unicorn…continue reading →