Are YOU Educated Enough?
Regardless of what the “obvious” answers might be, I always like to ask people, for example, what their ethnicity is. Same thing goes for education. I’ve worked with people who are extremely intelligent and later found out that they have not completed High School. At the same time, I’ve worked with people who have PhD’s when I would never have guessed..
I cut my college education short to go play in a band who was set to tour throughout Europe and I thought to myself, “ I am never going to have another day of school ever again.” Does this sound familiar?, the “I’m so glad it’s over.”?
Sixteen years later, I was happy to be alive and wasn’t quite sure what my next step was going to be. I found myself in school taking a Real Estate course. I needed a change and it made sense to me since I grew up around my dad taking care of the buildings we lived in. I also knew that I liked being around others, so it seemed to be a good fit.
I loved going to class as it provided a basic structure for my days that I didn’t have for many, many years. I found the material regarding the buildings, plans, and laws fascinating. But when I got out into the field, none of that mattered. The agencies I worked for just wanted to see results, regardless of how they were obtained. It was pretty disheartening and definitely not for me.
At the end of that rainbow was a cracked door with a willingness to open it and peek into the next land of possibilities. I now was hungry to learn and the first thing I needed to do was to learn how to learn more about me. What did I want to do? I attended a vocational program in NYC that guided me in recognizing what it was that I really wanted to do. The program lasted three months and till this day, I gratefully feel like my program never ends.
So how about YOU? Have you completed High School? Have you wanted to go to College, but never had or took the opportunity? Did you go to University and get a degree, or even an advanced degree and now find yourself unfulfilled? Maybe you like your job and have been meaning to take the next step which involves schooling of sorts, but didn’t think it possible?
Your situation is different today. You’re at a better place in your life. You have more energy and you’re focussing on your health. You’re being honest with yourself. Anything is possible if you want it to be. Unsure? Maybe you can participate in a workshop or an online class/seminar that sparks your interest. You never know where that next chapter in your life will come from.
What is that thing that you’ve always wanted to be doing, but just haven’t ..yet? What is in your way of taking that step? What are the possible steps involved? Is there anyone that you can reach out to? Maybe you can do some research in that field and study some of the characters in it. Can you find a mentor?
You possibly have all the formal education that you’ve ever wanted and would like to continue working on the path you’re on. That’s great! What can you do to improve upon it? How does your lifestyle change affect it? .. or it affect your lifestyle change? Is there room for improvement in your work? .. in your position? Maybe you love what you do but would love to change the ones around you. Have you thought it possible to make a move on your own?
Do you speak the language of the country you live in?.. well? Maybe you want to take on a new hobby or get that driver’s license and explore the world outside your community for the first time ever. The possibilities are endless regardless of age, race or tax bracket. As long as you remain teachable, your glass will likely be half full more often than not.
If this post inspires you or can inspire someone you love, go ahead and share it. Are you educated enough? Leave a comment, let us know and Like iT. Love Life Today. This Recovery Life.
Thank you! I have an Associates Degree, Bachelors Degree, and Master Degree.
I have certificates from Marie Forleo’s B-School, Cliff Ravenscraft’s Podcast Answerman Course, and the Institute of Transformational Nutrition.
I love going to school but now I realize that it is more important for me to get out there and take action on the things I’ve already learned. I’m having fun. Cheers
I have enough formal education to be counted as educated enough, however, in none of this education do they present much more than knowledge. In the real world, we need to know how to apply knowledge to make a living or build a life we want. That’s what’s missing. I hope this will change more and more in the future.