THiS ReCoVeRY LiFE Turns ONE !
A year ago, I set out to let you know that recovery is possible and that you are NOT alone. Even though more and more people speak out about their experiences with addiction and recovery, stigma continues rampant in our society.
The same way that people feel it “normal” to drink a six pack at the Sunday BBQ, take the extra few pills for their pain, eat a pint of ice cream when they’re mad at their partner or rationalize acting out after someone else “did something” to them, it is up to us to make recovery just as normal, if not the norm.
Confront your challenges and the pressure on you will be reduced. Look at your insecurities and the grip they have on you will loosen. Address your weakness and you grow stronger. Acknowledge your behavior(s) and they will much easier change. Speak about shame and guilt will be reduced. Face your addiction(s) and recover.
This isn’t the easiest thing to nor does everyone want to scream it out from atop the tallest tree in their neighborhood. Maybe you do want to… Either way, it’s OK. If you tell one person about it, it can empower both of you. If you let someone else talking about their experience know that it’s OK and someone out there identifies, then you are a part of the solution.
Together, we can make Recovery a Universal Language. I am extremely grateful to all of you who have done so much for each other as well as yourselves. Thank you for reaching out and allowing THiS ReCoVeRY LiFE to be a part of your journey.
We will continue to bring you different perspectives on addiction and recovery which are solution focused so that YOU can make the BEST decisions possible for yourself.
Let us know what you feel might help you explore the world of recovery. If you’re in recovery, how do you maintain it? And what is your next step?
Please leave a comment below and share this post with a friend. I look forward to continuing this journey alongside you. LOVE LiFE ToDaY! THiS ReCoVeRY LiFE
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