Relaxing With a Drink During Pregnancy?

Relaxing With a Drink During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is such a special time for parents. As a daddy, I can’t even begin to imagine exactly what my wife was experiencing. I do know that the abundance of amazement, wonder and fragility involved often sent us into a whole other dimension. Being a first time parent, the unknown was something I couldn’t even begin to fathom. Taking it as it came was the only way for me to go through the process. My wife and I participated in a parent readiness group where we were guided through the process. It was…continue reading →
An Open Letter to a Friend

An Open Letter to a Friend

Hello Friend, It’s been a heavy few weeks. It hit me all at once, kind of hard to believe.. As a kid, I was told that smoking lead to doing drugs. Marijuana was a gateway. If you were hanging out in the streets, you were a “vagabond”. Drinking lead to being a “bum”. I never believed it. That was not me. Somehow, I sought comfort outside of my home, where there wasn’t any. That road was paved with smoke, mirrors and an oasis at the other end of the rainbow. Eventually, the unicorn…continue reading →
Alcohol and Other Drugs: “I Can STOP Anytime I Want”

Alcohol and Other Drugs: “I Can STOP Anytime I Want”

You say that you can stop anytime you want. That’s a greatly positive attitude to have. Maybe things get a little out of hand and you say to yourself that you’re going to take a “break”. So you actually decide that you’re going to stop doing X, Y, Z.. for a week, two or even longer… a month! Scenario 1-9: During the first few days, you have a tough time experiencing things like sleeplessness, shakes, you’re more irritable than usual and you can’t stop thinking about having that fix. The majority of people…continue reading →