Recovery Day Two
How are you feeling today? Are you feeling any after effects of your alcohol or other drug use?
At this point if you feel you need some kind of medical attention, I would encourage you to go to your nearest emergency room and let them know what’s going on. You may be experiencing withdrawal symptoms from your substance use.
So what was your take from yesterday’s exercises? I always encourage people to continue adding to your list of experience even though at this point you may have affirmed yourself and come to a decision.
If you’re serious about making a change there is no one way to do it. The hardest way, guaranteed, is by yourself. Who do you have in your life that would be supportive of your decision? Is it a friend, a family member, a loved one or maybe a counselor at school or therapist?
Whomever it may be, I would highly encourage you to reach out to them and share your decision with them. This way you’re not only getting support from someone who will be nonjudgmental, but you will be also be creating accountability for yourself and your decision.
One is more likely to take action when someone else is aware of our situation and is watching on the sidelines encouraging us to move forward.
Go easy on yourself. If you’re anything like me, you spent a very long time beating up on yourself as it is. So this is extremely important. One day you may take two steps forward and the next day you may take three steps back. That’s OK. Getting up will be the most courageous thing one can do in order to take the next step forward.
At this point you may want to look for other possible resources that may guide you in your journey. They say knowledge is power and the thing is it doesn’t really matter unless you take action.
You are on day two. You’re following through and taking charge of your decisions.
Love Life Today. THiS ReCoVeRY LiFE
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