National Recovery Month: September 2016
September is National Recovery Month. It is a time where ALL things Recovery are celebrated!
The Connecticut Community for Addiction Recovery defines that “People are in Recovery when they say they are”. That is a wonderful thing since it has as many meanings as there are individuals.
A person is in recovery after their cast is removed. A person is in recovery after their heart has been broken. A person is in recovery after they start a new job. A person is in recovery after they get stood up on a date. A person is in recovery after the weather displaces them from home. A person is in recovery after the loss of a loved one. You might get the idea by now… Most people have experienced recovery in one form or another.
National Recovery Month focuses on mental health and substance misuse disorder. A person is in recovery when they decide to address their mental health and work towards change regarding their behaviors with tobacco, alcohol and other drugs.
The message is one that states “Recovery Works!”. I imagine you know of at least one person (if not various..) who might be able to improve their health, wealth, happiness or just well being in general if they were to change just one of their ways. Maybe you know of someone who was able to connect with other people in recovery, participate in program(s), seek the help of a professional or a peer and through this, orchestrate and implement change for themselves. There is no one way to go about this. The possibilities are far and wide!
If you know one of these individuals, commend them and celebrate their recovery by encouraging them to share with others. If you are a person in recovery, join hundreds of others at a Recovery Month event in your community. Invite your friends and loved ones!
There are 23 million people in this country alone in recovery. Let the world around you know that recovery is possible and be a shining light of resiliency. Showing up is an act of giving back to your community. You too, can lead by example.
For me, Recovery means that I no longer devise a plan to jump off the roof. I no longer “come to” on sidewalks of strange neighborhoods. I no longer fall up the stairs. I no longer feel lost, with no place to go. Shame and regret are no longer words in my vocabulary.
It does mean that I have responsibilities, I work on building healthy relationships, I show up for others, I provide extensive value to my employers, I address challenges in a positive manner, my mother-in-law asks me if the glaze on the turkey is OK, I am accountable and my son gets to have ice cream with a father that is extremely grateful for the life he is blessed with today.
What does Recovery mean to you?
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