Hue Men
It’s time. It’s About time.
Unfortunately, this is what it takes.
You keep sweeping it up under the rug and eventually, you get a lump. Keep adding to that lump and you start trippin’ on it. You build a wall around it. You throw some glitter on it and put a show on , distract. That shit under the rug starts stinkin’. You move on to the next rug as you sell us on your air freshener. After centuries of oppression, degradation and utter disregard for your fellow hue men, the time has come. There won’t be any more straws left to throw on the camel.
Bring you out of the darkness and into the light as we say let it shine! Smile! We’re Live!
Now , for those of us on the other side..
Look around you. What has happened? How did it get this way? What have you allowed to be thrown under your rug? What is it you’ve been letting slide? What and whom have you been counting on? Thing is, who’s counting on you?
You don’t have to go anywhere to make a difference. I know you’ve heard that you have to put your mask on first. Regardless of where you’re at, why not start there? There’s nothing to be afraid of in the Light. Guaranteed your eyes will adjust. It’s as natural as we remember that we’re all hue men.
Please, don’t let our brothers and sisters forget.
Love Life Today. This Recovery Life.
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