How to Regulate Instant Gratification

How to Regulate Instant Gratification

It’s a normal thing for most people to seek out “instant gratification”. It has been built into our society for a long, long time. In my lifetime, I recall dumping out the cereal box to get the prize, ketchup making everything tolerable, frozen pizzas made in minutes, answering machines satisfying the possibility of that school crush calling and VCR’s taping movies off of cable so they can be watched anytime. Then came cell phones where you didn’t have to call the dealer from a payphone, food delivery so you didn’t have to cook…continue reading →
Spirituality: Do YOU Believe?

Spirituality: Do YOU Believe?

Growing up, I was rather conflicted by religion. As a child I was forced to go to Sunday School, yet God “damned” me on a weekly basis, sometimes twice! I spent time during my summers visiting my family back in the old country and I stayed with my grandmothers for the first ten years: One of them was rather mean. Story has it that grandpa came home one night and wanted to snuggle after a long day of working in the fields. Grandma had spent the afternoon with her bottle of wine and…continue reading →
Legal Issues: How to Prevail Over the Law

Legal Issues: How to Prevail Over the Law

When was the last time you got a ticket?, was it a moving violation or “just” a parking ticket? It might have been a small court fee that you just didn’t pay, or a “urinating” in public ticket that  was way over yonder in another state when you were visiting your long lost family member. You didn’t even have that good of a time, so no reason to go back there ever again. Why pay the ticket? Fast forward a few years and you get pulled over for not using your turn signal.…continue reading →