Vape Anyone? Ceasing Nicotine Addiction

Vape Anyone? Ceasing Nicotine Addiction

As I was getting ready to gas up my car at the pump, the hose doused the exterior of the car, before the nozzle reached the gas tank. Annoyed, I had a moment of gratitude thinking about how lucky I am to be an ex-smoker. Back in the day, I’d be “safe” leaving the lit cigarette in the ashtray as I gassed up the car. Not so smart indeed. Last month, there was a new report that came out from Casa Columbia regarding Nicotine Addiction. It’s pretty thorough and quite the scientific read.…continue reading →
I Cheated: Coming Clean

I Cheated: Coming Clean

It's quite the strange feeling to have the urge to tell someone else about my not following my own protocol straight away after it happens. It’s been almost six years since I started feeling the excruciating pain and experiencing the never-ending bathroom visits that Ulcerative Colitis brought to my life. This is actually an interesting segway to “Don’t Quit! STOP” since it was right after I stopped smoking that these symptoms and their friends started to show up. I won’t get into all of that right now, but fast forward seven months of…continue reading →
Don’t Quit! STOP

Don’t Quit! STOP

How many times have you said to yourself that you need to quit!? “I need to quit eating the whole bar of chocolate, drinking more than I had thought I was going to, going for seconds or thirds at the open buffet, eating that dessert after the doctor made me aware (months ago) that it was affecting my health, being a jerk to my family, being late for work, sleeping with my friend’s sibling”, and on and on.. “I need to quit smoking”. Yes, I’ve had a few of these and then some…continue reading →