Aa is for Accountability

A a


BIG A , little a, what begins with A?

The first “Aa” word that comes to mind is acceptance. This is on the positive side of things of course. There is only so much you can put up with and put yourself through, like you haven’t put yourself through enough already !  

How has this thing called “Life” gone for you? I would like to encourage you to “accept the things that you can not change” as the famed Serenity Prayer states. What happens when acceptance is found? 

On the opposite side, we all know that the easiest thing is to come up with are all the cusswords and diminishing language for ourselves or others. How has this worked out?

Annoyed is another “Aa” word. If I’m feeling “annoyed” or someone is “Annoying me”, I really have to look at what’s up with me. I’m the one that’s making a problem of it . If the problem persists, you can always remove yourself, step back, and get some air, another one of my most favorite Aa words.

This is harder than it seems, and at the same time, maybe even overly simplistic. Either way, it’s something:

 Pick a letter, Pick a word. Sit with it for a minute. Imagine you’re sitting on the fence. Which way do you want to look at that word? Which side of the fence will it take you to? 

Love Life Today. This Recovery Life.

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